Tarte Pavlova avec Thermomix très facilement

Autor: Redacción Publicado el: 27/02/2024
Tarte Pavlova avec Thermomix très facilement

If you are looking for a recipe that will impress your guests with its exquisite combination of flavors and elegant presentation, the Tarta Pavlova with Thermomix is the perfect choice! With the help of your Thermomix, this classic dessert becomes an easy delight to prepare that will surely leave everyone wanting more. Additionally, we have created a FAQ section to address any doubts you may have while embarking on the making of this tempting recipe.

Ingredients for the Tarta Pavlova with Thermomix:

4 egg whites
200 grams of icing sugar
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of cornstarch
A pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
For decoration:

3 tablespoons of sugar
85 grams of blueberries
85 grams of red currants
300 grams of whipping cream
2 chopped kiwis

Preparation of the Tarta Pavlova with Thermomix:

Preparation of the Meringue:

Place the butterfly whisk in your Thermomix blades and add the egg whites along with a pinch of salt. Set to speed 3 for 6 minutes. Without pausing, switch to speed 3 and continue beating.
Gradually add the icing sugar and vanilla sugar while the Thermomix is still running. Wait until well mixed.
Add the cornstarch and lemon juice. Set to speed 3 again for 1 minute.
Pour the mixture into a mold lined with parchment paper, shaping it like a volcano. Place in a preheated oven at 100°C and bake for about 90 minutes with heat from above and below.
Preparation of Whipped Cream:

Clean the Thermomix container and add the cold cream. Without setting a time, set to speed 3 ½. Mix with sugar until firm and then set aside.

Peel and cut the fruits into pieces.
Once the meringue base is ready and cool, fill it with the whipped cream and decorate with the blueberries, red currants, and kiwi pieces.

FAQs about the Tarta Pavlova with Thermomix:

1. How do I know when the meringue is ready to be taken out of the oven?

The meringue will be ready when it is firm to the touch on the outside and slightly soft inside. A good indicator is when it is lightly golden on top.
2. Can I prepare the meringue in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the meringue a day in advance. Just make sure to store it in a cool, dry place before filling and decorating it.
3. Can I use other types of fruits to decorate the Pavlova?

Of course! The beauty of this recipe lies in its versatility. You can use your favorite fruits or those in season to give your Pavlova a personal touch.
4. How long can I store the Tarta Pavlova once assembled?

It is recommended to consume it within the first 24 hours to enjoy the freshness of the fruits and the texture of the meringue. However, if you need to store it for longer, keep it in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

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  • Source de publication: 27-02-2024

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